Senin, 15 April 2013


Dan sungai terpanjang di Indonesia adalah Sungai Kapuas. Sungai yg ada di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat ini punya total panjang 1.178 km. Sungai yg juga dikenal dengan nama Sungai Batang Lawai ini merupakan urat nadi kehidupan masyarakat terutama masyarakat Dayak dan Melayu yg tinggal di sepanjang aliran sungai ini gan.


Nah, kalo yg ini sungai di kota ane gan yaitu Sungai Mahakam. Sungai sepanjang 920 km ini punya hulu di Kecamatan Long Apari (di Kab. Kutai Barat sana gan) dan bermuara di Selat Makassar. Sebenernya kalo dikelola dengan maksimal, bukan mustahil wisata pesiar juga bisa dieksplor dari sungai ini. Soalnya makin ke hulu makin eksotis gan. Dulu, di sungai ini ada satwa yg dilindungi yaitu lumba-lumba air tawar atau lebih dikenal dengan Ikan Pesut. Tapi sekarang sepertinya udah jarang banget ditemuin gan, ane aja puluhan taon hidup di Samarinda belom pernah liat sosok aslinya ikan pesut mahakam seperti apa. Kalo di Samarinda, Sungai Mahakam ini membelah Samarinda dengan Samarinda Seberang.



Sungai Barito merupakan sungai terpanjang ketiga di Indonesia dengan total panjang 900 km gan. Sungai ini ada di Provinsi Kalimatan Selatan. Satu hal yg unik dari sungai ini adalah kegiatan pasar terapung. Jadi transaksi antara penjual dan pembeli terjadi di atas perahu-perahu kecil gitu. Ane pernah ke Banjarmasin tp belom liat sungai dan aktivitas pasar terapung ini gan, one day maybe.



Sungai Batanghari merupakan sungai terpanjang di Pulau Sumatera dengan total panjang mencapai 800 km. Sungai yg ada di Provinsi Jambi ini sebenernya potensial dijadiin "river cruise" alias pesiar sungai. Kan keren tuh gan, sore-sore sambil nikmatin sunset naek pesiar di atas sungai. Cuman sayangnya belom ada pegelolaan yg mantap.



Sungai Musi disebut juga sebagai Batanghari Sembilan, yg artinya Sembilan Sungai Besar. Panjang sungai ini mencapai 750 km dan membelah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dari arah timur ke barat termasuk membelah kota Palembang. Kalo jembatan yg membelah Sungai Musi ini namanya Jembatan Ampera gan. Jembatan ini panjangnya lebih dari 1 km dan lebar kurang lebih 22 m. Diresmi'in sama presiden RI yg pertama dan bahkan menjadi jembatan terbesar pada masa itu.



Sungai Mamberamo merupakan sungai terpanjang di Papua, dengan total sepanjang 670 km. Sungai ini ada di Kabupaten Sarmi. Sungai ini punya potensi listrik bertenaga air terbesar di Indonesia dan bio etanol yg melimpah ruah gan. Kondisi geologinya juga sarat akan bahan galian seperti emas, tembaga, bauksit dan nikel. Jadi nggak heran kalo sungai ini disebut-sebut sebagai AMAZON-nya Indonesia.

0 Sungai Bengawan Solo

Sungai Bengawan Solo

Sungai Bengawan Solo merupakan sungai terpanjang yg ada di Pulau Jawa . Panjang sungai ini mencapai 548 km. Hulu sungai ini berada di daerah Pegunungan Kidul, Wonogiri (Jawa tengah) dan bermuara di Gresik (Jawa Timur). Adapun daerah yg dilewatin sungai ini mulai dari Wonogiri, Pacitan, Sukoharjo, Klaten, Surakarta, Sragen, Ngawi, Blora, Magetan, Madiun, Bojonegoro, Tuban, Lamongan dan akhirnya Gresik.

Rabu, 03 April 2013

0 one thing


[Liam] I've tried playing it cool 
But when I'm looking at you 
I can never be brave 
Cause you make my heart race 

[Harry] Shot me out of the sky 
You're my kryptonite 
You keep making me weak 
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe 

[Zayn] Some things gotta give now 
Cause I'm dying just to make you see 
That I need you here with me now 
Cause you've got that one thing 

[All] So get out, get out, get out of my head 
And fall into my arms instead 
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is 
But I need that one thing 
And you've got that one thing 

[Niall] Now I'm climbing the walls 
But you don't notice at all 
That I'm going out of my mind 
All day and all night 

[Louis] Some things gotta give now 
Cause I'm dying just to know your name 
And I need you here with me now 
Cause you've got that one thing 

[All] So get out, get out, get out of my head 
And fall into my arms instead 
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is 
But I need that one thing 
So get out get out get out of my mind 
And come on come into my life 
I don't I don't don't know what it is 
But I need that one thing 
And you've got that one thing 

[All] Oooooooh, Ooooooh (2x) 
[Harry] You've got that one thing 

[Liam] Get out, get out, get out of my head 
And fall into my arms instead 

[All] So get out, get out, get out of my head 
And fall into my arms instead 
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is 
But I need that one thing 
So get out get out get out of my mind ([Harry] Out of my mind) 
And come on come into my life 
I don't I don't don't know what it is 
But I need that one thing 
And you've got that one thing

0 still the one

"Still The One"

Hello, hello, I know it's been a while
But baby, I got something that I really wanna let you know, yeah
Something that I wanna let you know, oh, oh, oh

You say, you say to everybody that you hate me
Couldn't blame you 'cause I know I left you all alone, yeah
I know that I left you all alone

Yeah, now I'm back at your door
You're looking at me unsure
I should've seen it before
You're all I think about, baby

I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
You might have moved on
But girl, you should know
That I-I-I know you're still the one
I know it's saying too much
But I will never give up
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
I-I-I know you're still the one

Hello, hello, I'm really hoping you'll forgive me
I keep talking, begging, tell me what I wanna hear, yeah
Girl, just tell me what I wanna hear

I tried, I tried to start again and find somebody
But I remember all the times and all the words we said, yeah
I can't get it out of my head, yeah

Now I'm back at your door
You're looking at me unsure
I should've seen it before
You're all I think about, baby

I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
You might have moved on
But girl, you should know
That I-I-I know you're still the one
I know it's saying too much
But I will never give up
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one

Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you-

You're still the one

I know it's saying too much (Yeah)
But I will never give up (C'mon)
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
I know you're still the one

0 still the one

"Still The One"

Hello, hello, I know it's been a while
But baby, I got something that I really wanna let you know, yeah
Something that I wanna let you know, oh, oh, oh

You say, you say to everybody that you hate me
Couldn't blame you 'cause I know I left you all alone, yeah
I know that I left you all alone

Yeah, now I'm back at your door
You're looking at me unsure
I should've seen it before
You're all I think about, baby

I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
You might have moved on
But girl, you should know
That I-I-I know you're still the one
I know it's saying too much
But I will never give up
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
I-I-I know you're still the one

Hello, hello, I'm really hoping you'll forgive me
I keep talking, begging, tell me what I wanna hear, yeah
Girl, just tell me what I wanna hear

I tried, I tried to start again and find somebody
But I remember all the times and all the words we said, yeah
I can't get it out of my head, yeah

Now I'm back at your door
You're looking at me unsure
I should've seen it before
You're all I think about, baby

I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
You might have moved on
But girl, you should know
That I-I-I know you're still the one
I know it's saying too much
But I will never give up
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one

Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you-

You're still the one

I know it's saying too much (Yeah)
But I will never give up (C'mon)
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
I know you're still the one

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